Rocklands, Norfolk

The Villages of Rockland All Saints and Rockland St Peter

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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held in Rocklands Village Hall
7:00 p.m on Monday 8th April 2013

Peter Smith (Chair)
Nicola Southgate (Vice Chair)
Shirley Colenutt
David Howie
David Witt
Cath Jones

Kim Rushforth Clerk

Also present: 5 members of the public and the County Councillor

1. To consider accepting apologies for absence

Apologies received from Cllr Roger Steel - away on business
Apologies received from District Cllr. Bill Smith - away on business
RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Steel and District Cllr. Bill Smith.

2. To record declarations of interest from members in any items on the agenda

Cllr. Cath Jones asked if she should declare an interest in discussions about a dangerous tree near her property. It was agreed it was not a pecuniary interest.

3. To approve the minutes of the last council meetingon Monday 25th February 2013

RESOLVED to approve the minutes that had been circulated prior to the meeting, as a true and accurate record of the meeting. The minutes were duly signed by the Chair, Cllr. Smith.

4. To discuss any matters arising from the minutes, not on the agenda

White Hart Cllr. Smith said that the White Hhart Association (WHA) was still actively working to save the village pub. The price had been reduced but not sure if this would lead to a resolution.
Salt BinThe extra salt bin that Margaret Neale had requested for the village had previously been agreed and a site near the corner of Bell Lane and Chapel Street had been suggested for the new bin.

5. To adjourn the meeting for public participation

Meeting adjourned at 7.26pm.
There was a request from a parishioner as to the possibility of having a play area for small children behind the village hall. It was agreed to discuss this under point 13 AOB (Any Other Business).
The meeting re-opened at 7.28pm.


6.1 Financial Position
The bank account balances as at Monday 8th April 2013:
Barclays Community Account.....................£3002.38
Barclays Saver (Reserve) Account ..............£ 701.55
TOTAL as per bank................................£3703.93
6.2 Cheques in since last meeting
Transferred from RPC Saver Account 18/3/2013..........£500.00
Consolidated Stock 5/4/2013......................................... £ 0.28
Breckland Council (Precept) 8/4/2013...................... £ 2392.95
6.3 Cheques out(to sign)
CHQ 496 .....K.Rushforth Clerk's Expenses(6 months)...........£30.50
CHQ 497.....NALC Annual Subscription renewal....................£141.02
RESOLVED to authorise the following payments. Cheques and paperwork duly signed
6.4 Standing Orders/Direct Debits
Kim Rushforth (Clerk's Wages)
Pearce and Kemp (Street Lighting)
E.on (Electricity)
Barclays were reviewing their records of those people authorised to undertake banking tasks, but who were not included in the bank mandate. Confirmation was therefore required of the Clerk being a Third Party Authority. The Chair, Cllr. Smith duly signed the relevant Barclays documentation provided by the Clerk, who would forward it to Barclays.

Accounts year end is 31st March. The annual return must be submitted to Mazars, the external auditors by 5th July 2013. The Council must approve the Annual Return by 30th June. The only meeting before 30th June is 13th May. The Clerk will endeavour to have the return completed by then, although time would be a bit tight.

7.0 To consider planning applications.
7.1 Planning outcomes since last meeting

7.2 Planning applications pending outcome

3PL/2012/0654/CU - Breckland Storage/Swangey/Retail caravans - 15
3PL/2013/0002/AG REVISED - Marshall/Home Cottage Farm/Barn - 24/29
3PL/2013/0158/F Fincham/Lt Ellingham/Farmhouse Reconstruction - 26
7.3 New planning applications since last meeting
3PL/2012/1314/F REVISED - Rocklands Cricket Club/Cricket nets/wicket - 23/27
A revised application had been received and those that had objected to the original plan were now happy with the re-siting of the Crickets nets away from the houses.
RESOLVED to record a comment of NO OBJECTION

3PL/2013/0041/F & 3PL/2013/0261 - Harrold/Rocklands Mere/Dwelling - 25/28
The Parish Council had no objections to the original application 3PL/2013/0041/F. Subsequently, objections had been received and discussions were resumed. David Colchester was now happy with the development after speaking to James Harrold and any fears he had were now allayed. James, the applicant, was present at the meeting and had bought the revised plans with him to the meeting. He explained that the curtilage (perimeter) of the development was now smaller. He confirmed that it was a 3 bed dwelling not a 4 as the bedroom 'numbering' on the architect’s drawings was incorrect. John Donno was upset that a path through the woodland had been closed and he could no longer walk his dog. James explained the footpath had sadly been closed due to 'undesirable youths' frequenting the area, drinking and making a mess and they had been concerned that alcohol and deep water do not mix. John Donno was upset about the amount of woodland that had/would be destroyed and the trees that would be cut down. Three hawthorns had been cut down, no big trees and the council felt that this claim was unjustified. John Donno also said that the house would spoil his view although he lived 650 metres away from the proposed dwelling.
The Councillors were as certain as they could be of James intentions to live in the house and as always he and his partner appeared very genuine people. The councillors voiced their concern about the property being sold and James confirmed that he wants to live in the dwelling himself and hopes it will be the family house for a very long time. The councillors were hoping that the dwelling could be tied to the business (like an agricultural tie) but Councillor Jordan said that this could not be done. It was noted that John Donno and other objectors were not present at the meeting. There was a unanimous vote of No Objection to the development at Rocklands Mere.
RESOLVED to record a comment of NO OBJECTION.

7.4 New planning applications since agenda was issued
8. To receive update from Tree Warden (Richard Smedley)
There was no update from the Tree Warden
9. To update on Playing Fields
Sport England (Deed of dedication). Still waiting for Robert Plumbly, solicitor to deal with Deed.
Reduce speed signs. Cllr. Howie reported that the signs were up, in the lane and could be clearly seen.
10. To receive update on Highways
10.1 Delivering Local Highway Improvements. Cllr. Jones updated the committee on the application for funding for a ‘trod’, inexpensive, simple pavement and two drop kerbs, to create a safe crossing area from Chapel Street to The Street. They would approach Ridgeon’s for help with building materials and the Mann Trust for some of the funding. Would need to do some fundraising to raise the deficit. Cllr. Smith thanked Cllr. Jones for her hard work.
ACTION Cllr. Jones to submit application
11. Flooding
Cllr. Witt had obtained quotes from Machine Mart for two electric water pumps, one more powerful, plus 20m of hoses (in 2m lengths). No float switches as don’t want them switching off. £211.48 (including. Vat). James Harrold of Rocklands Mere said he had 2 pumps with 40m hoses that the Village could use in emergencies, rather than buying new ones. It would be advertised that James had the pumps and they could be borrowed from him when/if required.
12. Correspondence
12.1 Dangerous Tree in High Road. Cllr. Jones gave the background to the dangerous Oak tree that leans towards the road near her house. It is very tall and top heavy and growing in a dry ditch. It lost a huge branch a few years ago, hence the concern. Mary Gibbon applied to have it taken down and Breckland Council refused as the copse it is growing in has a tree preservation order. It would cost £500-800 for a written report. The tree warden has discovered it is rotting at the base. There was unanimous support from the Parish Council for an appeal to be made. Cllr. Jones to pass paperwork to Parish Council with case references etc.
ACTION Cllr Jones to pass paperwork to Parish Council .

12.2 Defibrillators. The Parish Council had not heard any more on the defibrillators and Cyril had not been contacted re site survey. Clerk to progress.
ACTION Cyril Ruffles (Village Hall) to meet with Mike Rushmore for site survey.
ACTION Clerk to progress , get timescales for installation and advertise in Rocklander.

13. AOB (Agenda Items for next meeting)
A parishioner asked about having a small children’s play area behind the village hall. It was agreed it was a nice idea but funding it would be a problem. The idea would be put to the Village Hall committee.

The meeting closed at 8.15 pm

14. Date of Next Meeting Monday 14th May 2013 7pm, Rocklands Village Hall. AGM