Rocklands, Norfolk

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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in Rocklands Village Hall
7.00 p.m on Monday 13th May 2013

Present :
Peter Smith Chair
Nicola Southgate Vice Chair
Shirley Colenutt
David Howie
David Witt
Cath Jones
Roger Steel

Kim Rushforth Clerk

Also present: 28 members of the public

1. To consider accepting apologies for absence
Apologies received from Alan Fisher (Playing Fields) and Richard Smedley (Tree Warden)
Apologies received from District Cllr. Bill Smith.
RESOLVED To accept apologies from Richard Smedley, Alan Fisher and District Cllr. Bill Smith
2. To elect Chairperson 2012-2013
Peter Smith agreed to stand again as Chair. Cllr. Colenutt proposed and Cllr. Jones seconded the proposal. Peter Smith was duly elected as chair for another year. Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed by Cllr. Smith and witnessed and signed by the Clerk.
3. To elect Vice Chairperson 2012-2013
Nicola Southgate agreed to stand again as Vice Chair. Cllr. Jones proposed and Cllr. Howie seconded the proposal. Nicola Southgate was duly elected as chair for another year. Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed by Cllr. Southgate and witnessed and signed by the Clerk.
4. To record declarations of interest from members in any items on the agenda
Cllrs. Jones and Colenutt queried whether they should declare an interest in the White Hart. It was decided that this was not necessary.
5. To approve the minutes of the last council meeting on Monday 8th April 2013
RESOLVED to approve the minutes that had been circulated prior to the meeting, as a true and accurate record of the meeting,once the above correction had been made. The minutes were duly signed by the Chair, Cllr. Smith.
6. To discuss any matters arising from the minutes, not on the agenda
White HartDiscussion commenced re two suggestions that had been forthcoming regards the White Hart. But in the light of a piece of paper handed to the Chairman it was decided that the meeting be adjourned at this point for public participation.
7. To adjourn the meeting for public participation
Meeting adjourned at 7.06pm.
White HartHarold Neale spoke saying how surprised he was on Friday evening when Mr & Mrs Leeder, owners of the White Hart asked to meet with the White Hart Association (WHA) urgently at 6pm on the Saturday. They confirmed they had a reduced valuation and they would now accept the WHA offer to buy the White Hart for £230,000. They would be looking at an ‘uplift’ should the WHA fail to make a go of the ‘community’ pub and have to sell. Obviously the sale would be subject to contract. The WHA could not have guessed that this was going to happen. The WHA will publish a prospectus very soon and look to contact those that have pledged money.

Harold went on to discuss Community Assets. In November 2011, the localism act gave power to the people by allowing them to nominate assets of community value in their local areas. This may be of interest to the village and the Parish Council as they could nominate the White Hart to be added to the Community Asset Register maintained by Breckland District Council. WHA had obtained advice from Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) and had received a copy of their community asset nomination form for reference. CAMRA recommended that the Parish Council was approached to nominate the White Hart as a community asset and to be put on the register. There would be no financial liability to the Parish Council or any trustee status. If the asset came up for sale there would be a 6 month moratorium. Breckland Council just gearing up to adopt the procedures.

Cllr. Smith, confirmed that although happy with the concept, the Parish Council would prefer to have a read about the topic before signing anything. A document called ‘Empowering Communities’ is downloadable from the Internet. The Parish Council will consider this urgently and look at other potential community assets such as the Post Office/Shop etc. David Jones expressed concerns about the shop and said they would need to consider the owners and the effect it may have on them. The Parish Council would hold a ‘public’ meeting to discuss ‘community assets’ as soon as possible.

The meeting re-opened at 7.24pm.

9. Finance
8.1 Adoption of accounts 2011 – 2012 & Financial Regulations
The Clerk had prepared the end of year accounts to the 31st March 2013 and circulated them prior to the meeting. Cllr. Steel thanked the Clerk for her preparation of the accounts.
Annual Accounts and the financial regulations were reviewed, adopted and duly signed by the Chairman and the Responsible Finance Officer.

8.2 Annual Return
The variances this year, compared to last year’s accounts, are due to receiving money from Sport England on behalf of the playing fields. With this explanation, the accounts would be ready for audit. Michaela Canham would carry out the internal audit as last year. The accounts would then be sent to Mazars before the deadline of 5th July 2013. External Audit (Mazars) – Fee will be £200 for an income of between £25,000 and £50,000. Would have been Free of Charge for the normal Parish Council income.

8.3 Financial position
The bank account balances as at Monday 13th May 2013:
Barclays Community Account.........................£2608.61
Barclays Saver (Reserve) Account. ................ £ 701.55
TOTAL........................................................ £ 3310.16

8.4 Cheques in
No receipts since last meeting

8.5 Cheques out (to sign)
CHQ 498 Came and Co (PC Annual Insurance) .................£365.32
Resolved to authorise the following paymentsCheques and paperwork duely signed.

8.6 Standing Orders/Direct Debits
Kim Rushforth (Clerk’s wages)
Pearce and Kemp (Street Lighting)
E.on (Electricity)

Insurance:s Last year we paid £720.16. Renewal from Came and Co. (With Aviva) is £365.32. Basic PAYE Tools RTI (Real Time Information). The Clerk confirmed that using HMRC’s software for dealing with PAYE, had involved recent downloading of a new package to incorporate Real Time Reporting. This had required many calls to HMRC Helpdesk and many long waits ! But finally we can now run the payroll (of 1) and submit PAYE information straight away.

9. To consider planning applications.
9.1 Planning outcomessince last meeting
3PL/2013/0261/F – James Harrold/Rocklands Mere/Dwelling - PERMISSION
Cllr. Jones passed on thanks from James Harrold to the Parish Council for their help.
3PL/2013/0132/F - Marshall/Home Cottage Farm/Barn - 24/29 PERMISSION
3PL/2013/0158/F Fincham/Lt Ellingham/Farmhouse Reconstruction - 26 - REFUSAL

9.2 Planning applications pending outcome
3PL/2012/0654/CU - Breckland Storage/Swangey/Retail caravans - 15

9.3 New planning applications since last meeting
3PL/2013/0303/F – Mr D. Leslie/14 The Street/Internal alterations & Extension – 30
RESOLVED No objection.
3PL/2013/0366/F – Andrew Wood/Ash Tree House/Extension & Cart Lodge – 31

9.4 New planning applications since agenda was issued

9.5 Holly Cottage Appeal3PL/2013/1057/F Planning application had been refused for Holly Cottage. The owners had now appealed against the refusal. Rocklands had already objected to this application. The Clerk would send three copies of the PC comments to the Planning Inspectorate by the deadline of 42 days from 30th April, the date of the appeal.

10. To receive update from Tree warden. (Richard Smedley)
There was no update from the Tree Warden. Cllr. Jones reported on the dangerous tree in the high road. An inspector from Bristol had been to look at the tree today and results of his findings would be available in 4-6 weeks
11. To update on Playing Fields
Cllr. Howie gave an update.
Sport England (Deed of dedication). Still waiting for Robert Plumbly, solicitor to deal with Deed.
Cricket Club noted and named as Cricket Club of the Year for Norfolk.
Fields In Trust (FIT) people want to have a Field Day.
Cricket nets work due to start. Fencing contractors due to start.
Play Area Improvements. Swings replaced. Safety tiles cleaned and re-laid without gaps.
12. To receive update on Highways
Delivering Local Highway Improvements. Cllr. Jones updated the committee on the application for funding to create a safe crossing area from Chapel Street to The Street. The application had been sent, a receipt had been received and the outcome should be heard by the end of May. Ridgeons have had a letter asking for their support (materials or cash) and a preliminary letter had gone to the Mann Trust who have a meeting coming up. Cllr. Smith thanked Cllr. Jones for her efforts.
13 Flooding
No flooding. No update.
14 Correspondence
No correspondence
15 AOB (Agenda items for next meeting
The meeting closed at 7.50 pm.

16 Date of next meeting - Parish Council Meeting - Monday 8th July 2013. 7.00 pm Rocklands Village Hall

There will possibly be an interim"extraordinary" meeting to discuss community assets. Venue to be decided - The Hall, the School or the Church