Norfolk County Council proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (the “Order”) (STRO12216) affecting the U33038 St. Andrews Lane from 80m west of its junction with C158 Rocklands Road for 500m westwards (the “Road”) in the Parish ofRocklands to facilitate Anglian Water sewer repair works, the Road will be temporarilyclosed (except for pedestrian access) for the duration of the works/period the closureis necessary which is anticipated to be from 17th to 28th February 2025, but maycontinue to be closed/restricted until the 11th April 2025 where the closure is stillrequired beyond the anticipated dates.
The Next Parish Council
Meeting is on
Monday 3rd March 2025
at 7pm in Rocklands Village Hall
Minutes from this meeting will be posted on the Parish
Council website as normal.
Everybody welcome !
Hope to see you there.
Members of the public and
press are welcome to attend this meeting.
“This is the County’s single number for reporting any incidence of flooding, before, during, or after the flooding event. Remember, if there are no records of inquiries/calls being made then there will be limited evidence to devote future resources to our flood-risk areas”
The RPC response to the Breckland Plan consultation can be found here.
Docs from the July village hall Breckland Plan meeting can be found under the Parish Council, Reports, Breckland Plan tab
LOCAL PLAN CONSULTATION 2024 Preferred Options
Breckland Local Plan Full Update: Issues and Options Consultation Feedback Report (Appendix 2)
Local Plan Full Update Preferred Options June 2024
Phase 2 Site Assessments: Preferred Allocations and Strategic Options
Phase 2 Site Assessments: Alternatives (sites not included in preferred options)
Phase 2 Site Assessments: Discounted sites
Help with the Cost of Living Crisis
The Norfolk Association of Local Councils (NALC) has issued a useful document (click here) for those requiring help with the cost of living situation which we are all experiencing.
Link to the Norfolk Strategic Flood Alliance poster on
2025 dates:
2024 dates :
2023 dates :
Does anybody on the council know why the recent Open Reach fibre upgrade stopped at Pole 139 near the penhill rd/ mill lane crossroads and hasn’t continued to Pole 140 outside Toad Hall where I live leaving me with one of the slowest broadband speeds in the whole country?
Best Regards
Michael Hibberd
I have enjoyed looking at the Rocklands website of old Rocklands. I wonder if it is possible to see the original photographs of the German Prisoners of World War 1 who were living for a period at The Wayland Union Workhouse. I am writing a book about Norfolk during WW1 and the GPOW camps and would be really pleased to be able to make use of these images if the originals are available.
Scarecrow trail , whilst this is an interesting and fun thing for the village to do . Bringing in money for the local school.
But the huge problem is the excess cars being parked along the street , this is dangerous for home owners to access their drives ways in and out . Maybe next year the parish council could come up with a solution to the parking making the main road through Rockland safe for the villagers.
Thank you for your comments. Can you please clarify what you mean regarding “the huge problem is the excess cars being parked along the street” as we have never held a scarecrow trail yet.